\”When are you due?\” I\’m due 9/12/12! \”when are you finding out what you are having?\” Mommy says I\’m a baby, but they won\’t.
The Adventures of our Family
\”When are you due?\” I\’m due 9/12/12! \”when are you finding out what you are having?\” Mommy says I\’m a baby, but they won\’t.
Well Mommy and Daddy went to see Dr. Ezzie last Thursday for my check up. They didn\’t get to see me, but they did.
On Monday Mommy had to go see a cardiologist because of her heart history everyone wanted to be sure Mommy and I were ok.
Mommy and cousin Katie had a baby Shower for Cousin Shauna and her soon to arrive (due date 3/25/12) baby boy Kolbie Uriah. Nana.
Well Papa \”Beel\”as cousin Kase says turns 60 this month (yesterday actually), so Mommy, Aunt Nicki, Aunt A and Uncle Bub decided to throw.