My first…
Today i was in my first car accident, followed by my first ambulance ride! Don\’t worry I\’m ok and so is mommy but I\’d.
The Adventures of our Family
Today i was in my first car accident, followed by my first ambulance ride! Don\’t worry I\’m ok and so is mommy but I\’d.
Hi Everybody! I hope you are all doing well since we have last \”talked.\” I\’m growing like a weed and I\’m getting so strong!.
Hello Everyone! I figured it is time to update you on the latest and greatest happening here 🙂 I hope you are all enjoying.
Hi! Sorry I haven\’t been on in a while, I\’ve been BUSY. Busy doing what you might ask? I\’ve been BUSY growing like crazy.
Mommy says I\’m finally big enough to hit and kick her! Mommy says I kick the most in the evening time right after she.