I\’m 2 weeks old!
Hi! I\’m two weeks old now can you believe it? It\’s been an eventful two weeks, I\’ve had lots of visitors and I\’ve been.
The Adventures of our Family
Hi! I\’m two weeks old now can you believe it? It\’s been an eventful two weeks, I\’ve had lots of visitors and I\’ve been.
I, Trinity made my big debut yesterday! It was a busy day, so I\’ll let mommy tell you the story! So far I\’m not.
Hi Everbody!!! I\’m still baking, no worries though I\’m almost done! I will definetly be making my grand arrival before the end of the.
Hello! Sorry we haven\’t updated in a while, I\’ve been busy GROWING!!!! It is sure getting tight and cramped in Mommy\’s Belly! Mommy and.
Hi! It\’s me Baby W checking in with you! How are you all doing? I\’m doing great, getting so big! Can you believe my.