About Us
We are the Winterhoffs, Matt, Barbie, Trinity and Lyndie. We are a homeschooling family that takes frequent adventures. This is Matt, he.
The Adventures of our Family
We are the Winterhoffs, Matt, Barbie, Trinity and Lyndie. We are a homeschooling family that takes frequent adventures. This is Matt, he.
April 11, 2019 We hadn’t planned to do any more museums today, but when nature calls you go to the nearest bathroom and you.
April 10, 2019 Hello! You are still here 🙂 Thanks for following our journey. I will tell you about our 3rd and busiest day.
April 10, 2019 Hello! You are still here 🙂 Thanks for following our journey. I will tell you about our 3rd and busiest day.
April 9, 2019 Started off with breakfast at the hotel, what a breakfast it was. There was a guy down in the breakfast area.