So Matt and I just found out that we are expecting our first baby (non furbaby, because they are definitely my babies). We went to my parents last night for New Years Eve where we told my parents. We wrapped a picture of Matt and I from the Wedding and told them we had ordered this gift and it didn\’t come in time for Christmas, My mom was afraid to open it,She thought we were trying to scare/prank her so dad opened it and looked at the pic and said that\’s nice.. I had to probe, is there anything else in that box and he found the pregnancy stick, though he though it was a furminator and Mom thought it was a highlighter. When they finally figured it out Mom was screaming and crying and so was Dad.

Today we went to Matt\’s parents house so we could tell them. We wrapped a book up and taped the pregnancy test to the spine of the book and told them the same story. His Mom, Cathy, Opened it and just started flipping thru the book and we had to prompt her to find the pregnancy test on the spine, she thought it was a highlighter to use for the book. Matt\’s Dad, Buck, Just said \”OH My God\”! I should mention that Matt\’s Brother, Q and Sister in Law, Becca are expecting also and are due about 1 month before us.

We told My sisters and younger brother over the phone and Matt\’s sister in Colorado also over the phone.

We then went to Matt\’s sister and Brother in Law\’s house to tell them, they were very excited for us. Then this evening we went to my mom\’s house to tell my older brother, he was so excited! If i can figure out if I can post video\’s here I\’ll post Matt\’s Parents and my brothers reaction.

 I want you to meet my family! I\’m still trying to figure all these people out so if you get it figured out before September when i get here will you please teach me?– Baby Winterhoff

Meet the Winterhoff Crew
Uncle Q, Aunt Becca, Aunt Trisha (missing: Uncle Dave, cousins Jillian and Clara), Papa,Daddy, Mommy, Nana, Aunt Katie and Uncle Joe.

Meet the Graham Crew
Cousin D\’Arcy, Uncle Brent, Aunt Melissa,cousin Ryan, Papa, Daddy, Mommy, Nana, Aunt Nicki, Cousin Gracie, Uncle Brian, Cousin Kase, Cousin Olivia, Cousin Leah, Aunt \”A\” (Missing: Cousin\’s Darrin, Jake and Uncle Ben)
Meet the Callicoat Crew
Daddy, Mommy, Uncle Curt, Aunt Linda, Cousin Josie, Cousin Rynnie, Aunt Lisa, Cousin Cody, Cousin Kyle, Cousin Macie, Cousin Jake, Grandpa, Grandma (Missing: Uncle Chip, Cousin Maddie)

Remember to keep checking back for more updates!