Hi! It\’s me Trinity and I\’m back again. I just couldn\’t wait to tell you all about my very first Christmas. I know what all the talk and excitement and shopping was about now.
We started off our Christmas celebrations by having Uncle Bub and Aunt Meme and Cousin \”Shorty\” come to see me!!!! Can you believe it they came over to visit little old me.

Here is Uncle Bub holding me! I think he\’s pretty Awesome and I love his voice 🙂
After they left we went and picked up Great Grandma Grace and went to visit Nana and Papa Grahams to celebrate.
Papa G made lasagna, Mommy and Daddy said it was very very good.

Nana and Great Grandma Grace

Papa G talking to me while i sit in my rocking chair

Mommy and Me!!! Nana and Papa got me lots of cool toys including this awesome butterfly toy. I can\’t wait to play with everything. Daddy says I\’ll have to wait until i get a bit bigger before i can play with some of my toys.

Great Grandma Grace and little old me in my Santa Pj\’s.
After we took Grandma Grace home we went home and went to bed, Daddy says that after i went to sleep Santa came to visit me. Can you believe that? Santa!!!!!!! I\’ve heard lots of stuff about the jolly old man, but boy until he came to visit I just didn\’t understand what all the talk was about.

Look at our Tree after Santa visited

and our stockings. Mine is the pink and purple one. Nana G made it for me. She is going to make Mommy and Daddy home made stockings too, but said I was the important one so she did mine first. Mom says thats not fair but i think it is!

Here is a picture of Mommy and Me sitting by the tree

check out that smile! I told you I loved this christmas thing.

in fact I give it a thumbs up!

Our first Christmas family picture
After we opened all of our presents, Mommy and I laid down on the couch and took a nap.

opening presents is HARD work.
Mommy and Daddy decided that we should go to see Nana and Papa W in the evening cause this blizzard thing on the TV…. Nana W didn\’t know we were coming and she was SO happy to see me that she started crying. Daddy says that those were tears of happiness. It was so much fun at Nana and Papa W\’s because my cousin Ernie was there and he and i are already the best of friends and I\’m going to miss him when he goes back home.
My Aunt Trish and Uncle Dave and Cousins Jillian and Clara were there too! It was so nice to finally meet them after hearing so much about them. They just loved on me and held me.
Of course Mommy and Daddy couldn\’t resist taking more pictures!

look at these funny outfits Mommy and Daddy bought for me and Ernie.

Ernie, Jillian, Clara and me! Jillian says i have eyes like her and my Daddy.

Big cousins Zoey and Zailey came over to visit too.

Uncle Joe

Papa W

Aunt Becca

Uncle Q

Aunt Katie

Aunt Trisha

Uncle Dave

Mommy and the top of my head…

Clara and Ernie

Daddy and Clara

Me, Papa, Clara, Jillian Nana and Ernie
We had a great visit with everyone!

We hope you had a great Christmas, We sure did. Now we are going to stay home and stay warm today!
Mommy and Daddy tell me a new year is going to beginning soon and I\’m very excited to see what the new year holds!
Trinity aka Frog Butt