April 10, 2019

Hello! You are still here 🙂 Thanks for following our journey. I will tell you about our 3rd and busiest day in D.C. it’s Cherry Blossom/Monument day! (Stay tuned for my tips/tricks that we learned throughout our visit that may just help your family should you decide to take 2 small-ish kids to DC)

Our daily pic of the kids before we get on the train

We took the metro into DC and walked and walked and walked and walked some more. We walked to the Tidal Basin where we saw the cherry blossoms and The Jefferson Memorial.

Then we walked to The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial

Then we went to The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial

And then to The Lincoln Memorial

After all that walking- we stopped for a snack and some rest and then we decided to hop on the DC circulator bus and we rode it up the Smithsonian Arts and Industries stop and from there we walked to the National Archives

No photos allowed inside, but they allow free high resolution digital downloads-of actual scans of The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and The Bill of Rights. The scans are nice but nothing compares to seeing the real ones.

We walked back towards the DC Circulator stop and walked thru the National Gallery Of Art Sculpture Garden

Finally we got back on the bus and rode to The US Capital building

But we made it too late to take a tour- stay tuned to day 4 to see if we actually make it!

I had to make a quick restroom break and the closest open bathroom was inside The United States Botanic Garden and I only had 10 minutes (yes literally 10 min before closing) so I didn’t get to look at much but did snap a few pictures

We got back the bus for the final time today and Trinity fell asleep in my lap (only for a few minutes)

You’d think that was enough excitement for one day but there’s still more- we got back to the room and Lyndie Kaye said her tooth was hurting (we knew it was loose) but it was SUPER loose and Matt asked if she wanted him to pull it, she said YES! So Matt pulled it quickly while she watched in the mirror and then exclaimed “I’m a big kid now” and couldn’t stop looking at her new gap.