Hello! I’m Barbie and this is our family blog (I’ll be doing 99% of the writing), but you just never know who might show up as a special guest writer. I used to blog a long time ago and then I had a second baby and life got busy, and the blog went by the wayside, but have recently decided I really missed blogging so here I am starting a new one. I don’t know how often I’ll blog- maybe daily or maybe not for a month or so.  Let me introduce you to the Winterhoff party of 4 + 2 dogs from central Ohio.


Here we are!

My husband, Matt, is president/owner of Winterhoff Internet Solutions, Inc. https://www.wininets.com

I’m Barbie, and I’m a hospice nurse

Trinity Marie is 6 and Lyndie Kaye is 4

Our 2 dogs
Rylyn is a 15 year old Jack Russell Terrier
Lucy (mostly white) is a 13 year old Jack Russell Terrier

Stay tuned for updates coming really SOON!