Hi it\’s me Trinity! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving yesterday! We had a busy but fun day, let me tell you about it. We got up early so I could help Mommy and Daddy cook stuff to take to Nana W house. Ok ok ok I didn\’t really help but I did get to watch Mommy make no bake cookies. Daddy said they are gluten free and that because today is a holiday I could even have a cookie! Then I took a nap but imagine my surprise when I woke up and Daddy had made one of my favorite things to eat ( cheesy potato casserole ) to take with us.
When we got to Nana and Papa W\’s I found a present waiting on my high chair from Great Aunt Diane. She got me a onsie that says \” I love Santa\”. How did she know that I do really love Santa? She must be very smart.
I enjoyed my cookie so much that Mommy took pictures.
After lunch and dessert were over I had to change into my special outfit.
What made my outfit so special you ask? Well I\’ll just let you find out by watching this video: Special Outfit
Did you find out what made my outfit so special? No? Why not????
Ok don\’t cry I\’ll post a picture too so you if you can\’t watch the video you can still find out.
Well look what my shirt says!
I\’m being promoted to big sister! Baby W 2014 is due to arrive in July. I\’m so excited to be a big sister.
Well after telling my secret I got to play with Nana and Aunt Katie for a little bit before we were off for the next adventure of the day.
I fell asleep on the way to visit Great Grandpa Kellough, Aunt Linda, Great Aunt Molly, and Great Grandma and Grandpa Auckerman At the cemetery so Mommy and Daddy spilled the beans for me and let me nap. Mommy says we go to visit them every year on thanksgiving. Good thing we were there this year because Mommy and Daddy let some lady use their phones because her car was broke down.
We had to kill time on the way to Nana and Papa G\’s, because we wanted to be the last ones there so we could share our secret with them, so we took a little drive and I slept the whole time! When we did get there Uncle Bub was just getting out of the car and he was so happy he beat us there. Mommy said \”there\’s a first time for everything\” and everybody laughed.
We walked into a full house: Nana, Papa, Aunt Nicki, Uncle Brian, Jake, Livi, Ryan, Grace, Uncle Bub and Debbie. Watch their reaction to my special outfit here: Baby W 2014- Graham
Nana made Livi, Grace and I all matching hats.
Don\’t you think we make cute sock Monkeys!
Look at this Santa hat Nana made me. Mommy said she can\’t wait to take more pictures with it.
After we got done eating and playing we decided to do a little Christmas shopping. We went to walmart and we had lots of luck finding just what we wanted. Daddy said I was such a trooper!
Guess what? We saw Aunt Nicki, Aunt A, Jake and Livi at walmart!
Daddy took me and mommy home so I could go to bed and he went to best buy for some more shopping!
Don\’t worry we didn\’t forget to tell the rest of my Aunts and Uncles. We sent them a picture and said Happy Thanksgiving! It took them a few minutes to realize our secret message and decode it, but eventually everyone figured it out.
What a fun filled day we had spending time with family.