Hi! Y\’all I\’ve been super busy. Sorry I haven\’t been able to update you lately. I\’ll try to fill you in on everything that has been happening. I\’ve been busy enjoying my last few months a \”baby\” because i have a birthday coming up real soon and then i wont\’ be a \”baby\” anymore. Now that I\’ve been to a few birthday parties I\’m pretty excited for my party.
Mommy, Daddy and I got family pictures taken. This is just one of the many great shots we got!
We went to Darke County to the fair and then we got to stop and meet Kelly! Kelly and Mommy have been friends since they were 3 years old! Can you believe that?
I also got to meet Mommy\’s \”second\” parents, Tink and Peggy! Tink and Peggy used to babysit my Mommy when she was little. We drove down by where Mommy grew up and i got to see her old house and where she used to go to school.
I went on my first hike. We went to Yellow Springs and hiked around Glenn Helen!
We went down to visit Ernie for his FIRST birthday! I always love when i get to visit and play with Ernie.
Great Aunt Judy came to visit! I love meeting new family members! We have a huge family, or at least that is what Daddy says.
I went on my first \”ride\”! We went to Grandpa\’s Cheesebarn and I got to ride Grandpa\’s Cheese Jeep!
I got to drive! I love to drive!
I got my first pair of big girl shoes. Do you like them? Mommy and Daddy took me to stride rite and these are the shoes Daddy picked out for me!
Ohh and Great Aunt Terri came to meet me too.
I now have 4 teeth, but I\’m busy working on getting some more! I love to play outside, swim, taking baths and playing with my dogs. I really DON\’T like having my diaper changed, my hair brushed or getting dressed. My favorite things to eat are: Apple slices, pinto beans, Gerber snacks for babies. I don\’t like anything citrus including orange anything. Mommy bought me mandarin oranges, and orange yogurt drops and i won\’t eat them at all.
Well I know that was a quick update but that\’s all i have time for today.
Check back soon for another update!