Hi All! Its me Trinity! Did you miss me? I have missed you. Its been a very busy month for us. Of course you know from the last post that we said \”Goodbye\” to my Aunt Linda, its been pretty hard on Mommy but Daddy and I are taking good care of her. I told you all about my roadtrip in April but let me just tell you that was NOTHING compared to my vacation roadtrip that we went on at the end of May and beginning of June.
First off we went to St. Louis, Missouri. Let me tell you we had to cross a big river to get there. Mommy doesn\’t like crossing big bridges like that one, but it didn\’t bother me because i slept. I slept a lot on this trip!

We went to see the Gateway Arch, and we were able to take a ride to the top!

Here I am at the top of the arch!
we stayed the night at a hotel and it was my very first time staying at a hotel.

Thats our hotel on the left. Drury Inn. It was very nice, they had a swimming pool INSIDE can you believe that? an Indoor swimming pool, how crazy! I got to get in the pool and guess what I LOVED it. My very first time swimming and i didn\’t cry at all!
After we left St. Louis we headed West to Colorado, making a 1 night pit stop in Salina, Kansas before arriving to Colorado Springs on Daddy\’s Birthday!
What did Daddy want to do for his birthday? Go up a mountain of course, so up to the summit of Pikes Peak we went.

It was COLD up there! WAY up there. This is the farthest west Mommy and I have ever been. It took Mommy 31 years to do what I did in just 8.5 months!
We stayed the night in Colorado Springs and went to Garden of The Gods on Saturday before we headed up to to visit with Aunt Trish and family.

It was SO beautiful there.
We finally made it to Aunt Trish\’s house and i got to spend some time with my big cousin\’s Jillian and Clara. They were very excited to have us to visit. Daddy and the girls played Monopoly while me, Mommy and Aunt Trish and Uncle Dave relaxed.
We went to get Cake from Kim and Jake\’s Cakes to get a birthday cake for Daddy!

Jillian, Daddy and Clara
Sunday we got up and went sightseeing with the girls and Aunt Trish

We went up to Flagstaff Mountain in Boulder and had a picnic lunch and took a short hike to take in some pretty views and of course take lots of pictures. I won\’t bore you with ALL of them but i want to share a few with you.

Look at those mountains

In the Ergo with Mommy

Daddy and Aunt Trish
After we got home from lunch and sightseeing I stayed with Aunt Trish and the girls while Mommy and Daddy went to do some sightseeing without me. That was the first time I ever stayed with someone besides my Nana\’s. I did fine though, and the girls loved having me. Mommy and Daddy went to walk around Pearl St. and to the little festivel downtown Boulder. They also had to register for the Bolder Boulder
On Monday we DID the Bolder Boulder. yep you read that right, we ALL did the Bolder Boulder (Mommy, Dadddy, Me, Jillian, Clara, Aunt Trish and Uncle Dave) I got to ride in the Ergo the whole time though so i\’m lucky.

Here we are at the starting line

the FINISH line!
We didn\’t do much after we finished the Bolder Boulder except go back to the house and relax, I mean after all we did walk over 6 miles by 1 pm.
On Tuesday we got up and said our goodbyes and we headed South to Texas, we were on our way to meet and visit with Jess, Tom and Mason.

the road into Oklahoma was closed so the detour included this dirt road
we eventually made it to Oklahoma but we didn\’t stop, we kept right on driving until we made it to Texas.

Our first stop in Texas was at Dairy Queen. If you have ever been to Texas that shouldn\’t surprise you there is a DQ almost EVERYWHERE!!!!
We finally made it to our hotel in Amarillo where we tried to relax after a long day of driving but those plans were short lived because of the stinky weather.

Do you know what that is? That\’s right that\’s HAIL! We had to take cover because there were tornado warnings and stuff.

Here is Mommy a
nd Me taking shelter at the hotel. Can you tell we were tired! Mommy says we broke a cardinal rule that night, \”Never wake a sleeping baby\”
We finally got the all clear and were able to go back upstairs and catch some zzzz\’s before we got back in \”Martha\” our rental car and headed East to Jess\’s house. Martha got some hail damage but overall we were lucky we didn\’t get any broken windows or anything like some people who were parked not far from us.

We Finally made it Jess\’s and I got to meet Mason in person (and Mommy got to meet Jess). We had a fun evening of playing and just getting to know each other. Daddy and I stayed with Tom and Mason while Mommy and Jess went to town and got pedicures and stuff.

On Thursday we all went to Fort Worth,we went to the zoo where we got to meet some more of Mommy\’s friends and to the Fort Worth Stockyards

Jess (Mason) Mommy (Me) Morgan (Charlotte) and Connie (Natalie)

It was a good day to walk around the zoo with friends.

We got to watch a real cattle drive of these Texas longhorns and go to the Cowboy Hall of fame while we were there.

On Friday we spent the day relaxing and Mommy and Jess made Ohio Buckeye candies. Jess and Tom Loved them. I didn\’t get to have any because Mommy says i\’m too little to have Peanut butter.

We said our goodbyes and left on Saturday and headed towards home! We stayed in Jackson, Mississippi and again we had to cross that BIG river, but we were finally back on the \”right\” side of the country as Mommy says.

We didn\’t do anything fun in Mississippi, on Sunday we headed to Nashville. We didn\’t get to do a lot of stuff in Nashville because it was late on Sunday evening before we go there but we did get to see the outside of The Grande Ole Opry House

While we were at the hotel in Nashville I really mastered being able to pull myself up to Standing!

Don\’t I look proud of myself?

We finally headed home on Monday!

I was so glad to finally see my sisters! I sure missed them and I know they missed us.

We also celebrated Nana\’s Graham\’s 60th Birthday since my last update

Sorry that picture is upside down!

I had to go see Dr. Jake to make sure I am growing ok, and he said I\’m still Perfect! 9 months old 27\” long and 16# 8 oz.

We also celebrated Father\’s Day!

Well I think thats all for now. I don\’t think i forgot to tell you any of the \”major\” stuff.

I\’m growing bigger and stronger everyday. I love the water and bathtime is one of my favorite parts of the day, next to snuggling with Momma and Daddy in the mornings. I can say \”Momma, Dada\”, I can clap and I can wave. I\’m eating lots of new things every week. I\’m getting really fast at crawling and I like to pull up to standing position on anything I can. I don\’t really when there are other people in the room but no one is paying attention to me.

Well I\’m tired and that was a LOT to tell you about so we are off to bed. I will try to update more often.

Until next time!

Trinity AKA
Frog butt

\”some birds go chirp chirp, some birds go tweet tweet, but this bird is sweet sweet\” – That\’s what Mommy tells me all the time