Hi it\’s me Trinity again! I\’ve been so busy since we last talked! Mommy tells me its finally spring so that means i get to go outside more. I love to be outside with Mommy and Daddy! We\’ve been able to go on walks. I love to ride in my stroller even if I do fall asleep most of the time. We went to the park for my first time! Do you remember way long time ago i told you all about the park we would get to go to? Its more AWESOME then i thought it would be. They have swings and slides and a purple dinosaur that i can ride on.
Watch me swing HERE
I also got to go down the slide with Mommy. Check it out
I also went on that roadtrip that i was telling you about. I had so much fun going to visit Ernie, Aunt Becca and Uncle Q. I can\’t wait to go back. Ernie and I are not just cousins but BEST FRIENDS!!!!
Sit back and relax and I\’ll tell you all about my trip!
All strapped in my new car seat and ready to go!
First pit stop is in Athens, Ohio. Daddy, Aunt Trish and Uncle Q went to college in Athens, Oh at Ohio University, not to be confused with The Ohio State University. I heard that Ernie got to go see this beautiful town a few weeks ago so Mommy promised me could go see it too!
We drove along the Ohio River for a while
Watch HERE for what happened next.
Thats right we left Ohio! We crossed this big bridge and then we were in West Virginia.
Then watch HERE
Thats right we left West Virginia and went to Kentucky! Ernie lives in Kentucky so i just knew we had to be getting closer to my best buddy.
I don\’t like the sun in my eyes so Daddy picked up these cool sunglasses for me. I like that they block the sun, but I\’m not sure i like wearing them.
I was very happy to see this sign! Whitesburg is where Ernie is so i knew we were VERY VERY close!
FINALLY!!!! We make it to Ernie\’s. Mommy and Daddy said i did great on my first road trip and that i only cried/fussed for about 40 minutes of a 6.5 hour ride!
We went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant (my very first one!) and then we went back to Aunt Becca and Uncle Q\’s and went to bed. It was a very long day and i was tired.
The next day we got up and played and Ernie and i took a nap then we set off on an adventure. Mommy and Aunt Becca kept saying we were going for a walk but this was definitely more adventure like then walk like.
We went to this cute little park and waited for Daddy and Uncle Q to go get lunch and then we had a picnic! I like eating outside.
Family picture sitting in front of Uncle Q\’s office in downtown Whitesburg.
a couple of views of downtown for your viewing pleasure
After we explored Whitesburg we walked back to the house and Aunt Becca and Ernie took us to the top of the mountain. Can you believe that? We went to the TOP of a mountain.
Aunt Becca and Ernie at the top of Pine Mountain.
Here is Mommy, Daddy and Me at the top of the Mountain
When we got done exploring the mountain we went back to Aunt Becca and Uncle Q\’s house for a photo shoot! (aren\’t you shocked?) We had to take pictures for Papa W. He wants to update the pictures in the house.
I\’m still not sure if i like this grass stuff but i guess its not so bad.
After our photo shoot we went out to dinner, but i was so tired from a full day of adventures and exploring that i slept thru most of it.
That night after we went to bed, it stormed a lot! Daddy says Me and Mommy could sleep thru anything, it didn\’t wake us up.
Aunt Becca put Ernie\’s hat on me, I think I looked pretty cute what do you think?
We got back in the car and headed home!
We stopped in Morehead, Ky for lunch at Taco Bell and Root a Bakers for dessert.
Mommy got this cupcake, it\’s yellow cake with peanut-butter icing. She didn\’t share but she said it was very yummy!
\”are we there yet?\” Mommy says \”not yet but we are getting closer\”
so close that we can see this
the Bridge that crosses back into Ohio
Finally after a forever long car ride we made it home!
Daddy says i did great on the ride home, 7 hour car ride and I only fussed for 30 minutes. Nana and Papa G took care of my sisters while we were gone. I was sure glad to see them and they were equally glad to see me. Nana and Papa invited us for dinner so Mommy and Daddy didn\’t have to worry about it. Papa G fixed one of Mommy\’s favorite meals, lasagna.
We were all very tired when we finally got home for good last night. I was happy to be sleeping in my own bed and not my pack in play.
Things we learned from this trip that we will do different when we take our big vacation to Texas and Colorado
1. Take diaper bag with you, yes this seems obivous but we forgot it! Luckily we found out early in the trip. Since we had packed extra bottles/formula and wipes in another bag the only thing we were missing out of the diaper bag was gas drops, teething tablets, and tylenol, so instead of wasting more time going back home to get it we just went to the store to get the needed medicines.
2. Sound Machine was definitely worth packing.
3. Take 2 sheets to \”cover\” the sides of the pack n play
4. having a box on the back seat with things used often was very helpful instead of digging thru bags packed in the car.
5. Putting Mommy\’s \”dirty\” shirt in the pack n play makes it smell like her and that helps me sleep better.
Well thanks for reading all of this, I know it was a bit long but I had a lot to tell you!
aka Stinky
aka T-Bird
aka Frog Butt
aka Stinkadoodle
Hey Stink, Nana, is sure glad you had fun, but is sure glad you are all home safe and sound.. love ya..
Love the road trip story…love ya Nana and Papa G