Hi! It\’s me, Trinity again!
I went to see Dr. Jake on Monday and he said \”she\’s perfect.\” Did you read that??? The doctor said I\’m perfect!!! Daddy says he already knew that.
Dr. Jake said I\’m 13 pounds and 13.5 ounces and 24.5\” long!! That means I\’m 4\” taller then when I was born. I\’m growing so fast, Mommy and Daddy had to buy me new clothes!
Nana G and Nana W came to see me this week. I\’m pretty lucky to have both my Nana\’s and Papa\’s so close. I love visiting.
Saturday was the busiest day of the week though. I went to lunch and shopping with Mommy and some of her friends and their babies. I like hanging out with other babies. Cousin Katie had her baby! We also went to meet some cousins, Dustyn, Marti, Liam, Calvin, Nathan. We played cards, Mommy says I\’m already a better euchre player then daddy!
Until next time!