Hi! It\’s me Trinity! I hope you are all staying nice and warm. It\’s been a crazy week around here for the weather, record highs and record lows. Mommy says I should get used to this \”Ohio weather\” but I don\’t know exactly what the means. Daddy says the groundhog did not see his shadow and that means spring is coming early. I don\’t know what \”spring\” is but Papa G says when spring is here we can go to the park and play. I remember mommy telling me about the park and I can\’t wait!
Well we\’ve had an exciting week!
I\’ve conquered rolling over from my back to my belly. I now roll across the floor. Daddy had to put my more mats down for me!
I got to spend time with Great Granny Grace and Nana on Tuesday.
And then Tuesday night Mommy and Me went to meet Mommy\’s friend Teresa for dinner. We went to Los Mariachi\’s and Mommy said it was good!
Teresa said I\’m not as big as I look in my pictures.
Wednesday Nana W came to visit! I love visitors.
Thursday we found out Rambo died. Rambo was the cop dog that lived next door. I\’m sad I won\’t get to play with him this summer! He was such a good doggy!
RIP Rambo
Friday was Papa G\’s birthday so we included him on my weekly picture!
Tonight we went to an open house for Mallory and Gerrad Wise. Mommy says Mallory is kind of like my cousin. They had a very nice house and 2 dogs.
Here\’s me and Josie.
I got to see lots of people at the open house including Aunt Lisa and Aunt Linda!
I love playing with my snail.
Mommy lays on the floor with me and we watch the ceiling fan, it\’s a lot of fun!
I love to play on Daddy and smoosh his face with my fingers. He has hair on his face! I hope I don\’t get hair on mine!
Ohh ya I found my feet! Daddy says every morning when I wake up the first thing I do is make sure my feet are still there.
I really enjoy bath time!
My sisters love to lay on Daddy any chance they get!
Well that\’s all for tonight folks its time for me to go to bed!
Speaking of bed Mommy says I should tell you that I\’m a good sleeper. I go to bed between 9-930 and sleep until 830 or later. Sometimes I need a BRS (binki replacement service) if my binki falls out during the night but Mom and Dad are always quick to the rescue.
Good night!
Ohh I almost forgot Papa G came to visit last Sunday!
Trinity aka
Frog Butt