Hello There! Sorry it\’s been a while since I\’ve updated, but Mommy has been busy since she went back to work and well I need her help to do this. I\’ve really been enjoying staying home with Daddy during the days. Daddy and I have a lot of fun, we go to lunch, we go for walks. Daddy has taken me to meet some of his work people and even to Mommy\’s work to meet some of her work people.
I\’m growing and learning new things everyday.
One of my most favorite things to do these days is play. I love tummy time and I LOVE to play \”kicky\” with my gym, I like to make it play music and light up.
I\’m 2 months and 7 days old now, can you believe it? I love spending time with Mommy and Daddy. Big Sisters Rylyn and Lucy have been getting braver too, they like to come play with me while i\’m having tummy time.
Here I am with my Great Aunt Robin!
Hmm since we\’ve last talked I\’ve also had my first trip to IKEA.
I wasn\’t really impressed so I just slept on Mommy the whole time!
I went to the Zoo again! I can\’t wait for Mommy and Daddy to take me to the Christmas lights at the zoo. I\’ve had lots of pictures taken (big surprise huh?)
I like when we play \”Super Trinity\”
Ohh ya I found my fingers!!! And my toes!
I also met Santa!!!! Can you believe it? I wasn\’t scared at all, he was really nice and even gave me a book.
My first present from Santa! Daddy says Santa will bring me more presents in a few weeks!!! I\’m so excited. Mommy says we need to write a letter to Santa so he knows what to bring.