Hi! Trinity here. Well Tomorrow is the big day, Mommy has to go back to work. Mommy is very sad about this, but says Daddy and I will have a great time. I know I\’ll miss Mommy, but it will be very nice to hang out with Daddy all day. We have had a busy week doing lots of stuff while Mommy was still home.

On Sunday we went to visit Nana and Papa Winterhoff. Nana was nice enough to bring back some goodies for me that Aunt Becca, Uncle Q, and Ernie sent with her.

Aunt Becca made me this AWESOME blanket and sent me this cool shirt. To read what Aunt Becca has to say about making my blankie check out her blog: A Hermit\’s Wish
On Wednesday, Mommy had to go back and see Dr.Ezzie for a follow up appointment. Dr. Ezzie just couldn\’t believe I still had all my hair. After Mommy\’s appointment we went to Whole Foods. It was my first time and I thought it was pretty cool store.
Wednesday was also my first holiday, Halloween.

Nana W got me these cool socks, Aunt Freada got me this cool outfit.

On Thursday Mommy took me with her to meet some of her friends. It was very nice to meet, Melissa and Michael (he\’s just a few months older than me), Kathy and Sara.

Friday Great Uncle Bob and Great Aunt Diane came to see me. I really had a good visit with them.

I also turned 7 weeks on Friday!
Saturday was a big day! I got to go to Nana and Papa Graham\’s house and stay for a while without Mommy and Daddy. I had a great time, but I was so glad to see Mommy and Daddy when they got back I sure missed them.

Saturday Night we went to dinner with Mommy and Daddy\’s friends, Jason and Lajuana.
(More pics to come later of me and Lajuana, because they are on the camera and mommy hasn\’t uploaded them yet)

Also this week I have taken to my \”lovey\”, honey bear. Honey Bear goes everywhere I do. I actually have 2 honey bears. One stays home in my bed and one travels with me, so I\’m sure to always have one with me. Speaking of my bed, guess WHAT??? I started sleeping in my bed in my room on Thursday night. I really like it, I\’ve been sleeping 6-7 hours a night in there.

I really enjoy \”tummy time\”, and bath time. I\’m not a fan of getting dressed or wearing hats. I\’ve also been practicing making noises because I have found my voice.

I did wear a hat today though because it was cold, really cold out.

Mommy bought us a Ergo Baby Carrier

I\’ve spent most of the day in it today while we went Shopping.

I also experienced my first time change today. Mommy says we gained an extra hour today because \” you fall back and spring forward\”, but I don\’t think I got any extra time and its my bed time,so I\’m headed to bed.

