Hello! Sorry we haven\’t updated in a while, I\’ve been busy GROWING!!!!  It is sure getting tight and cramped in Mommy\’s Belly! Mommy and Daddy are so excited to meet me (along with lots of other people)! We went to see Dr. Ezzie last week and she said we are doing great and that I can make my grand arrival anytime now. We go back tomorrow to see how we are doing. Mommy says that doing everyday things are getting harder and harder. Mommy has to sit down and rest a lot more these days, Daddy is so good about helping Mommy so she can relax as much as possible. 
We haven\’t been doing too much lately. Mommy and Daddy finished my room….. well Daddy finished and Mommy just sat and watched. 
This last week hasn\’t been great for Mommy! Mommy and I had the flu and boy let me tell you that was no fun at ALL.  I\’m growing so much now that I take up all the extra room in Mommy\’s belly, back, ribs etc and Mommy doesn\’t have much room left to eat. Mommy has had to resort to eating small portions more often
Daddy (and Mommy) but mostly Daddy worked on organizing and cleaning our kitchen last weekend to make room for all of my stuff! (Thanks Daddy!)
Mommy has been practically begging Daddy to go to The Columbus Zoo to see the baby tigers before I make my grand arrival. Daddy finally gave in and took Mommy to the zoo on Sunday. Mommy and I only had enough energy to see the baby tiger cubs and then to walk up and see the elephants. Daddy says that will be our last trip until I\’m big enough to go again. We ran into Lily, Chris and Bruce at the zoo! Bruce was celebrating his happy fourth monthday! 
Here are some pics and a video from our trip to the zoo!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAELiP4H77c?version=3&f=user_uploads&c=google-webdrive-0&app=youtube_gdata&w=320&h=266]

We will try to update again, but the next time you hear from us I may have mad my big debut!
So on that note and knowing that i could come at anytime, I want to hear your guesses- my gender, size, and arrival date!