Hi Folks! Thanks for checking in. Today is the big day, it\’s MY party with all of my friends and family on Nana and Papa G side. I got to experience a lot of \”firsts\” this week.
Mommy get those animals out of MY bed!
Mommy and Daddy put my bed together. Monkey and Giraffe just couldn\’t resist testing it out for me!
My first trip to the Clark County Fair.
While at the fair we went to my first circus and I got to see this camel!
(and tigers and a liger, some ponies and some dogs)
Monkey what are you doing in my swing?
Daddy put my swing together and you guessed it Monkey just couldn\’t resist!
Mommy says I\’m as big as a honeydew melon now, so when we went to Kroger we just couldn\’t resist having a little fun!
Can you believe that I\’m that big already?
I also went to IKEA for the first time yesterday and I got this mini closet with drawers.
Yep Daddy put this together too!
IKEA is a BIG store, good thing there were lots of places that Mommy and I could sit and rest!
Mommy found this rocking chair at IKEA and said it is the most comfortable chair she has ever sat in! She\’s trying to talk Daddy into buying it for her! So if you see my Daddy please tell him that Mommy really loves this chair and that it would be a good birthday/anniversary present!
Next weekend we are all getting our pictures taken with Lucid Beauty Photography.
Well i guess that\’s enough for now! Check back later for pics and stories from my party today!