Hi! Thanks for coming back to check and see what has been going on here! We\’ve had a rough weekend and week. 3 days and 4 nights is how long we have been without electricity, Daddy tells me that electricity is what allows all the lights,tv\’s and most importantly the air conditioner to work. We had some bad storms that came through our town Friday night and thankfullly no one got hurt during those storms, Nana and Papa G had a few trees come down but no damage done. Nana and Papa W had a lot of trees come down in the woods and Papa W lost his windmill to the wind. Uncle Brent and Aunt Meme and Aunt Nicki and Uncle Brian all lost their power too. Saturday was an exciting day for me I got to go to Nana and Papa W house and watch fireworks, but I didn\’t like it so well, everytime one went BANG i would kick mommy very hard. Daddy says i might like them when i\’m older, he says they are neat to watch but i think for now its just loud noise. Sunday evening is when all of our excitment started, the weatherman was calling for more bad storms like we had on Friday night and that made Mommy and Daddy nervous and for good reason.

Look what fell on our Garage! Thats a big limb off of our maple tree!

The limb was HUGE!!! Daddy says it pulled the power lines off the pole and off the house!
Don\’t worry we are all ok! Daddy said that Mommy (and Me) and my big sisters Rylyn and Lucy had to go to the basement to be safe while he checked on everything. Rylyn and Lucy didn\’t like that AT ALL! Finally Daddy said we could come upstairs and take a look around.

See i told you that limb was BIG! It put a big hole in our Garage and tore off gutters, it broke my sisters fence and pulled those electrical wires. That was a lot of damage.
Daddy and Papa G put that tarp up there on the roof so it wouldn\’t get any more water damage. Mommy says we have GREAT neighbors because they all came over to help Daddy and Papa G cut down the limb and take it all to the curb. While Daddy and Papa G and the neighbors worked on cleaning the limb, Nana G and Mommy (and me) had to go get some supplies like that tarp, we tried a few different stores and most of them were closed because they had been hit by the storm too! Finally we were able to find the needed stuff and get it back to Daddy and Papa G just in the nick of time before it got too dark!

Mommy and Daddy decided that they didn\’t want to leave the house on Sunday night even though they had multiple offers to go to stay at Nana and Papa G and Nana and Papa W house. They just slept downstairs in  the guest room. Daddy says we had to sleep there because hot air rises and that room is cooler than our regular bedroom upstairs. (Daddy is VERY smart and i just know that he is going to teach me so much, I will probably be just like him and always asking \”Why?\”)

The neighbors that live across the street from us got the power back on Sunday night and they were kind enough to let Daddy run an extension cord from their house to ours so we could at least have a fan and plug the refigerator in. 
Mommy and Daddy both took off of work on Monday so that they could work on cleaning up more stuff and talk to the insurance people!
Daddy put up this temporary fence so Rylyn and Lucy could go out back and be safe! Lucy still isn\’t sure about all this \”stuff\” in HER yard. 
Monday Night Mommy and Daddy decided to stay home again, and boy was it HOT! It was much hotter Monday night than it was on Sunday night. Daddy felt bad because we were still plugged into the neighbors and only had 1 fan going in our bedroom that he let Rylyn and Lucy sleep in OUR bed. Can you believe that? Rylyn and Lucy in bed with Daddy and Mommy (and me) and let me tell you something they are hot!
Tuesday: Mommy had to go to work and on the way to work Nana G called to say that Uncle Brent had power again and was done with the generator and that Mommy and Daddy could use it. This made Mommy and Daddy very happy! Daddy and Papa G went to Uncle Brent\’s house to pick up this generator thing and Daddy spent most of Tuesday afternoon making sure it was working safely and that we had everything we needed plugged in and working. (Thanks DADDY!!!)
Tuesday evening we all went to Great Uncle Steve and Great Aunt Linda\’s house for a cookout. While we were at the cookout Daddy was telling Uncle Frank about what had been happening and Uncle Frank offered to let us borrow a window air conditioner, off went Daddy and Uncle Frank to pick up the air conditioner and when they got back we had to leave so Daddy could use what was left of the daylight to put in this window air conditioner. We had to miss the fireworks but that was ok like i said before i\’m not sure i really liked all that noise anyway.
mmy tells me that this thing is a generator. Daddy told me you put gas in it and start it and then it allows you to plug stuff in…. ( Thanks to Nana and Papa G for letting us borrow this thing) I Happen to think its pretty neat.

Before we left to go to Great Uncle Steve and Great Aunt Linda\’s we saw this blimp flying around. Mommy and Daddy don\’t know why it was flying but it was pretty cool! 

This is a swimming pool! Mommy and Daddy love to get in it and float on those rafts and its sure been helping us all to stay cool!
Wednesday: Happy 4th of July!!!! 
Here is a picture of our window airconditioner and our fans!

Mommy and Daddy decided to try to keep the living room as cool as possible so they put this plastic shower curtain up to try and help the air flow.
They also put this plastic stuff up to block the upstairs off. Mommy says our house looks like it belongs in a sci-fi movie now and it looks like we are protecting ourselves from germs. Daddy says we are just trying to keep it as comfortable as possible.

Then Mommy and Daddy went to Walmart and got this! Yep ANOTHER air conditioner. Daddy put this one in the room where we sleep so it would be cooler and easier to sleep. I hope this means that he isn\’t going to let Rylyn and Lucy sleep with us anymore. I love my big sisters but they are just too HOT!
Look how cute they are! Mommy says they sure have been good through all this! 

Look at how big I am! Daddy thought since he already had the camera out he would take some pictures of Mommy and Me to show you how big I\’m getting. (I promise I\’m the only one in here so please quit asking mommy if she is sure that I\’m not having a twin 🙂 )

We are 29 weeks and 6 days in these pictures so just 10 weeks and 1 day until I\’m due to make my grand entrance. I can\’t wait to meet everyone! 
Mommy and Daddy get to go to the doctor on Friday to check on me!

I\’m sorry this has been such a long post but we\’ve been busy and without electricity. I will try to update this everyday until we get our electric back on so you can keep an eye on us! Mommy says Uncle Chip (from Truitt Roofing) was out yesterday to look at the roof and some insurance adjuster guy was out today to look at the damage that tree limb caused. 
Daddy is hoping that an electrician can come out ASAP to see about fixing our electric lines so that we can finally turn off that noisy generator. 
Well Mommy says its past my bedtime bec
ause we have to go to work tomorrow! Look for an update tomorrow night!