Today i was in my first car accident, followed by my first ambulance ride!  Don\’t worry I\’m ok and so is mommy but I\’d thought I\’d share how our day went with you.
Mommy got up and got ready for work, nothing special happening then. We were almost to Mommy\’s work and she was stopped at a red light and BAM!!! Mommy and I didn\’t realize what happened at first, but as soon as we realized it Mommy started crying because she was so worried about me, I began kicking/hitting her to let her know that i was ok. Mommy moved her car off the road and into a parking lot where she had to call Daddy and tell him what happened, Daddy had all the tires off his car working on it, Can you believe that? Daddy told Mommy that he would put the car back together and head towards us. Mommy also called 9-1-1 so that a cop and an ambulance could come check everything out. The nice paramedics put Mommy and I in the ambulance and off to the hospital we went. It was a very bumpy ride and i didn\’t like it at all, i kicked the whole way there. Daddy called Nana and Papa G and Nana W to let everyone know what was going on.
Once we got there the nice nurses in the Emergency Room  (at Mt. Carmel East) hooked Mommy up to this machine, and said everything looks good. They also asked Mommy a bunch of questions and called upstairs to the Labor and Delivery floor to let them know about me.
Pretty soon a nice nurse, Connie, came down from the Labor and Delivery floor and hooked Mommy and Me up to this machine so they could track my heartbeat and see if Mommy was having any contractions (she wasn\’t).
Right after this Daddy got there and that made me very happy and i started moving all around so he could feel i was ok too. A few minutes after Daddy got there a nice Doctor came in to check us over and said we Mommy needed a CT scan of her neck since it was hurting just a little bit. Mommy and Daddy talked it over and decided that as long as they could protect me it was ok. Daddy tried to keep everyone updated with what was happening.
Off to CT scan we went. The nice lady there made sure to put a lead vest down and Mommy laid on that and then put another lead vest on top of me (i didn\’t like it at all) to protect me and into the machine we went. I\’m glad it was quick because i didn\’t like that lead vest resting on me, but Mommy says it was the best thing to protect me from the radiation… whatever that is.
Back to the ER we go and they hook us back up to both the machines above and monitored us, I didn\’t like the monitor and kept kicking it and that made Daddy laugh. Finally, the doctor came back in and told us the CT scan was clear and that he was discharging us from the ER, but we had to go upstairs to Labor and Delivery to be cleared by them before we could home 🙁 
Connie had to push her machine back upstairs so Daddy pushed Mommy and I, that was almost as scary as the ambulance ride. Daddy is not a very good wheelchair driver 😉 
(just kidding Daddy did great)
Once we got up there they hooked Mommy and I up to this machine (does the same as the other one, but this is newer and nicer) and the waiting began. Daddy was able to go get us something to drink because we were so thirsty. Eventually one of the OB doctors came in to talk to us and said that everything looked good so far but that they would like to keep us for a few HOURS to monitor us.  YES you read that right he said HOURS… Good thing they said Mommy could eat. Daddy went and got us Subway. There was a Subway right in the hospital how cool is that? There is also a Coldstone Creamery and a Time Hortons at the hospital.
I didn\’t like this monitor any better and kept kicking it and moving away from it and the nice nurses kept coming back in and tracking me down and having Mommy lay all sorts of funny ways to help them find me. 
The nurse came in about 3 and said everything looked good so far and Mommy was still not having any contractions and as long as nothing changed we could probably go home about 4. Thankfully nothing changed and we were discharged on time. 
Daddy took Mommy and I back to her car, and homeward bound we all went. We made it home safe and sound! Mommy says that she is sore and tired, but doing ok. 
That Ladies and Gentleman is how Mommy, Daddy and I spent our day today. I sure hope we don\’t have to see any doctors tomorrow, I\’m tired of doctors. Besides, I have a party to get ready for on Saturday. I think I\’ll try to be good Friday so Mommy can get plenty of rest before my party!