Hi Everybody! I hope you are all doing well since we have last \”talked.\” I\’m growing like a weed and I\’m getting so strong! Mommy and Daddy had a great day with me yesterday, we went to see Dr. Ezzie. We got my pictures taken and I was a good Baby and let them see everything they needed to, in return they gave Mommy and Daddy some new pictures of me to share! The nice lady who took my pictures said that i was perfect and a \”wiggle worm\”, she also said that i\’m already getting some chubby cheeks! Dr. Ezzie says i weigh approx 2.5# now, can you believe that? I\’m growing so much. I can\’t wait to meet you in just a short 12 weeks!
Here I am looking right at you! That is my fist above my head.
Its my foot!
It\’s both my FEET!

Mommy says i\’ll probably having really long toes like Daddy.

Look what was delivered for me yesterday! Thanks Nana and Papa G!

Mommy tells me that we have a party go to on Saturday at Nana W house and guess who the guest of honor is?  Yep you guessed it……………….. It\’s ME!!! Mommy says the party is in my honor and I\’m so excited! 

Ohh are you still reading? Well then you are LUCKY! Here is a video Daddy took of me yesterday. Mommy says pay no attention to her commentary that she was just so shocked at how big I have gotten since she saw me just 9 weeks ago!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwU4XZ56rR4]